
Posts Tagged ‘heriones’

The other day, my 4 y.o. Sunshine said to me, “I want to be a boy.” (This, coming from a girl who refuses to wear anything but dresses- the frillier, the better- and won’t consider accepting a babysitter unless she is “pretty”.) “Why?” I ask her. “Because if I’m a boy, then I can grow up to be Superman. But since I’m a girl, I have to grow up to be a princess.” UGH! Where are my values in this child? Where did I miss that fork in the road of guiding her through her first four years? Is she doomed to a life of beauty pageants, nips and tucks, and constantly searching for a Prince Charming ?

So here is my new mission: to find, or produce if none can be found, books that have a GIRL that is brave, strong, protective, and maybe even with super powers. When I have asked librarians for suggestions, they recommend “Eloise”, who I cannot STAND. Is she really the symbol of strength and courage for our young girls. God help us.

I invite anyone to join my mission. Write a book. Write a screenplay. And if you know of any good books, please do share!

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